5 Common Shoulder Injuries and How Physio can Help


As the most mobile joint in the body, the shoulder joint provides you with a wide range of motion. It is an incredibly complex part of the body which makes use of surrounding ligaments, muscles and tendons and thus is easily prone to injury. Shoulder injuries not only occur during contact sports, but also whilst undertaking simple daily tasks such as cleaning, gardening or manual labour. The repetitive movements utilised in the performance of these tasks can be quite damaging to the shoulder, causing inflammation and pain. Living with shoulder pain can be debilitating, and it is important to seek a diagnosis as soon as possible so that a treatment and rehabilitation plan can be implemented. 


In this blog post, Erko Physio will be highlighting 5 common shoulder injuries and how physio can aid in recovery and prevention.


  • Shoulder Dislocation


One of the most common shoulder injuries is shoulder dislocation, and it can occur following sudden trauma or due to shoulder joint instability. Either of these can cause the ball of the humerus to dislocate from the scapula socket, causing soft tissue damage and pain. Relocation will be necessary, in addition to ongoing rehabilitation to safely repair soft tissue damage and restore strength and flexibility. 



  • Shoulder Bursitis


Bursa are fluid-filled sacs located within shoulder joints, and they serve as a ‘cushion’ against friction from joint bones and tissue that move around each other. The bursa are prone to inflammation, and this condition is referred to as shoulder bursitis. The condition can affect people of all ages, but keen athletes and home gardeners are more susceptible.  This is a painful condition that can limit your range of motion and prevent you from carrying out your typical duties. 



  • Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder can restrict your ability to move your arm due to pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It is not uncommon for symptoms to be mild at first onset, only to worsen with time. People most at risk include those with diabetes and people who have had to keep their arm immobilised for an extended period of time. 



  • Rotator Cuff Tear


Your rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles, and it enables you to lift and rotate your arm. It also serves to stabilise the ball of the shoulder joint. If you experience a fall, there is potential for a rotator cuff tear. This can also occur in older people due to the natural ageing process. Pain is typically felt at the front of the shoulder and may radiate down the arm. This injury can make it difficult to reach up or lift objects due to pain. 



  • Shoulder impingement (or swimmers’ shoulder)


This injury is most common amongst swimmers. When elevating the arm, the rotator cuff tendon and bursa become inflamed due to compression against the bone. You may experience a loss of motion and power in addition to pain that worsens with movement. 


How Can Physio Help with Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain impacts upon your quality of life, and it is important to seek an early diagnosis so that an appropriate treatment plan can be implemented. Physio can help in alleviating pain and restoring function, enabling you to return to your regular routine safely and with confidence as soon as possible. 


Typical treatments that may be implemented as part of your program include:


  • Massage
  • Taping
  • Strength training
  • Dry Needling
  • Manual therapy


The team at Erko Physio will consider your condition and physical abilities prior to formulating a tailored treatment plan. It is important to strike the right balance between rest and exercise and ease slowly into your program to achieve a safe and effective recovery. 


Suffering from shoulder injury? Contact Erko Physio Today

Erko Physio regularly treat shoulder injuries, and most patients respond favourably to physiotherapy treatment. Every case is unique, and we create tailored solutions for each client. 


Start your journey towards recovery with us, call now on 02 9557 9272 to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.